Ransfords process around 85,000 tonnes of logs each year at our facility in Bishop’s Castle, Shropshire which is, in part, powered by an array of over 4000 solar panels installed on the rooves of our mill and ancillary buildings.

The main species used are Douglas Fir, Larch and Spruce, sourced from sustainably managed UK forests. We produce 50,000m3 per annum of sawn timber – 70% of which is derived from the more naturally durable ‘redwoods’. We have invested more than £20m in this facility in recent years. Advanced German sawing equipment, incorporating 3D laser scanning and optimising technology, combine with sophisticated re-sawing, board recovery and product handling systems to make our process one of the most accurate and efficient operations in the UK.

No part of the log is wasted. A peeling line strips the bark before the log is milled and this is then processed into a range of horticultural products. Woodchips generated from the process are dried on site and sold to local farms and nursery businesses who have made the switch to boilers powered by biomass of one kind or another. Sawdust is sold into a variety of markets.

Find out more about the history of our business by clicking here

The service life of sawn timber can be extended by pressure impregnation of preservative. Our in-house, on-site pressure timber treatment process uses the latest timber preservatives and the most up to date technology to provide effective protection against rot and decay.

Our systems and controls are so good that we are certified to meet the stringent standards demanded by the Highways Agency. To enhance the look of the product we offer the preservative treatment in the two most popular colours: green and brown. We use our own fleet of vehicles supplemented by professional contract transport when required to make timely deliveries throughout the UK and Ireland.

Take a closer look at our state of the art sawmill by watching the video above or clicking on the gallery tab.

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