Things are growing well for SpArC at Bishop’s Castle

It was great to hear from Jane Allard with an update on her growing plants for sale to help SpArC ( ) the local leisure and arts centre here in Bishop’s Castle. We donated some SylvaGrow® compost to help things along.

Jane reports that thanks to the cool days and low night temperatures it has been a bit of a slow start this year although her stall at Kerry Rise, Kerry Green, SY9 5AR, has been up and running for a month now – selling mostly overwintered perennials. She is just starting to add some annuals and as you can see from the pictures of her back garden and small greenhouse, there are more flowers and edibles – tomato plants, climbing beans, sweet corn etc in the pipeline. These have all been grown in the compost donated by Ransfords

SylvaGrow® compost is made from fine bark and sawdust which arises during the saw milling process and is then composted. It is entirely peat-free and is endorsed by the Royal Horticultural Society ( RHS – Royal Horticultural Society ). The product is manufactured by Melcourt ( @sylvagrow ) which is part-owned by the family that own the sawmill.