Traffic noise has a profound negative impact on the health of millions says report from House of Lords Science and Technology Committee.
Environmental noise and light pollution contribute to a range of adverse health outcomes including heart disease and premature death. Yet light and noise remain neglected pollutants, poorly understood and poorly regulated says a report by the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee which counts some of the nation’s leading scientists among its members. They call for the establishment of an expert advisory group on noise pollution to advise the Government. As pioneers and leaders in the manufacture of acoustic fencing panels which help reduce the impact of traffic and other noise on those living near it, this is a subject close to our hearts.
Both noise and light pollution can impact negatively on human health through disrupting sleep and circadian rhythms, the report says, which leads to negative social and economic impacts.
Epidemiological evidence suggests that noise pollution can both cause annoyance and increase the risk of stroke and heart disease. Whilst the increased risk to an individual may be low, the exposure of millions of people results in a significant aggregate health burden.
The World Health Organization estimates that noise pollution from traffic results in one million healthy life years lost in Western Europe every year; research from the UK Health Security Agency suggests that in 2018, 130,000 healthy life years were lost in the UK and that 40% of the British population are exposed to harmful noise levels from road traffic.
The Committee suggests that the Government should establish an expert advisory group on noise pollution, as exists for air pollution, to assess new evidence for health effects and advise the Government accordingly.
The full report can be downloaded at