When the chips are down you can count on Ransfords
What more effective or attractive way to enhance the setting for an outdoor wedding than dressing uneven ground with woodchips? This Welshpool couple had exactly that idea when the time came to erect the marquee for their recent nuptials. The ground on which the marquee was to stand had been churned up by heavy vehicles but a full load of woodchips ordered at very short notice from our weighbridge soon had the ground levelled and the whole place had a ‘forest floor’ feeling which added to the romantic atmosphere.
The woodchips arise from the milling process during which we ensure that no part of any log that comes in to the mill is wasted. The bark, sawdust and woodchips are all collected and then sold on for a wide variety of other uses in many different industries. Woodchips like this are commonly used to create garden paths and you can buy some yourself to spruce up your own garden by contacting Alice on the weighbridge on 01588 630916 or calling at the mill using the Love Lane entrance. Please remember to read and follow the safety instructions on the big sign as you come into the site.