Efficiency is the key
Someone once said that ‘efficiency is doing better what is already being done’. It’s something we take to heart around here and which we try to apply at every stage of the operation. So, if a wagon is leaving the yard we try to make sure its full: it is simply more efficient that way. Full wagons save money and reduce environmental impact. They’re good news for us, good news for the customer, and good news for the environment.
This load of acoustic fencing panels is a classic case in point: the wagon is loaded to capacity to the maximum permitted height. It’s bound for the Norwich Northern Distributor Road (NDR) which is a new 20km dual carriageway road under construction to run from Postwick, east of Norwich, to the Fakenham Road north of Taverham,. At key points over 450 of our double sided reflective panels will reduce the impact of noise on homes along the route. And isn’t it great that by sending full loads, we’re also doing our bit to reduce the impact of vehicle noise on homes we pass along the way?